EZYiD Asset Management Platform

EZYiD Asset Management Platform


Out of stock

Technical Data

Data Transformation

Assets can be uniquely created, chosen from our global product catalogue, or quickly migrated from your existing excel asset register via our bulk upload function.

Advanced Search Engine

 Search for assets by their serial number, custom ID or the EZYiD tag identifier. Our advanced search function allows you to narrow your search down to status, location, or job.

Inspection Protocols

Set custom inspection cycles and protocols to notify you of the next inspection date, due and overdue inspections.

Schedule & Assign Tasks

Digitally transfer assets to different sites and locations allowing clarity on where any asset is at any time. Assign tasks associated with assets to specific persons with expected completion dates, task notes and a digital history of the request.

Bulk Updates

Update bulk asset’s inspection protocols to suit customer and site requirements.

Engage with Supply-Chain Partners

Digitally collaborate with your supply-chain partners to enrich workplace transparency and maximize productivity across companies.